Avatar Faces

D followed by a single character that gives a delay amount. Used in conjunction with multiple color or texture (collectively known as material) definitions to specify an animation sequence for a limb. Normally the last material specified is shown; then the animation starts, interpreting the sequence of D and material commands. For instance, the sequence DeT2D3T3T2T1 shows texture frame 1 to start with, then waits "e" time units, then shows frame 2, then waits "3" time units, then shows frame 3, then waits the default number of time units between showing frame 2 and then frame 1, and starting over. The time units are on an exponential scale from the default of 1/20 sec, through the base64 alphabet -0-9a-zA-Z+ using the equation 1.0932**val - 0.9. Using this system, 0-9 are approximately in tenths of second increments, a-z are approximately seconds, and A-Z are longer delays, up to about five minutes for +. Multiple successive D commands before a material are additive.

Avatars by design have three different facial textures which are rotated through in a blink cycle.

Three penguin face textures, eyes open, half-closed and closed

Penguin facial textures T1penguin, T2penguin and T3penguin are used to make the avatar blink.

g - standard blink rate. This value sets the cycle of every part that is set to have multiple textures.

T1avatar name - Eyes Wide Open
T2avatar name - Eyes Half Open
T3avatar name - Eyes Closed