8/30/2016: hey guys uro here again. I just remembered I made a little tutorial on CMP making and I never really gave this SUPER SECRET TOOL to anyone (got it from based Jimbly), so I'm making a .mov tutorial as well. please read the cmp text file before you go through this one. WHY USE MOVS? well there's really only 2 reasons on why to use .mov files. 1) For textures/pictures over 128px 2) For local AVATAR texture files HIGH-RES IMAGES INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Make sure both the width and height of your image can be divided by 128, or you can resize it so it is. Another thing you can do is paste the image in the middle of a white canvas that can be divided by 128 on each side and use transparency like dicussed in the CMP readme. However I recommend doing that only if your file is not going to be used as a repeated texture. 2) Go to imagesplitter.net. If this site is down, find something else that does the same thing. Upload your image then choose "split image" at the top. Divide your height by 128 to get the number of rows and divide the width by 128 to get the number of columns. Save these as a bmp. 3) Copy to this folder and rename all of them something like file(number).bmp, the numbers must be the order from top left to bottom right. see my varg example if you're not sure. 4) Open vs.txt and put all the filenames, each on a new line. If any of this is tiring, there may be some tools on Textmechanic.com to help you. http://textmechanic.com/text-tools/numeration-tools/generate-list-numbers/ will help you on this step, just prefix the numbers with your filename and suffix with .mov. Save vs.txt. 5) Right click -> edit COMPIT.BAT. Under the "PUT COMMANDS BELOW", copy and paste the line with "-Mvarg" and erase the "rem ". Replace the varg with your filename, so -M(name). If you're using transparency add a "-t" to the end or "-tn,n" to specify the transparent color as a coordinate. 6) Save and run the program. It should output a .mov file. --FOR USE IN WORLDS-- 7) You can't simply put the texture as "tex/filename.mov". You must name it "tex/filename(columns)h*(rows)v*.mov", in relation to the rows and columns you put in imagesplitter.net. Since my varg image is a square and the width is 128 three times, it is "tex/varg3h*3v*.mov", if it was in the "tex" folder located where your .world is. MAKE YOUR OWN AVATAR TEXTURES: You can make your own avatar texture files, and wear them locally. You can also send them to SirGemini, the admin, to put on the server. His email was cmay@bmi.net when I contacted him in 2012, it might not be anymore. You can try. 1) First you need to download Jimbly's avatar set and follow his instructions here http://users.worldsonline.com/users/jimbly/avatars/index.htm 2) Once you get it installed and add the ini line you should have a bunch of mov files in the avatars folder in the Worlds directory. If you know how to edit avatars, you should notice that most of the files are 3 letters long. This is crucial. 3) Get 9 textures ready. If you have less, make some blank ones so that it adds up to 9. You can only do 9 at a time, so if you want to do more you're going to have to do 9 first. Make sure they're all 128x128 BMPs. Name them all T(number).bmp, so you'll have T1-T9 files. 4) Put them in the CMP maker folder and list them all in vs.txt. Right click and edit COMPIT.bat. Copy the line with -Mvarg and paste it under PUT COMMANDS BELOW (or replace whatever's under it). If you want transparency, add -t to the end or -tn,n if you want special coordinates. Replace -Mvarg with -M(three letters). Just use any three letters that aren't already used in the avatars directory. 5) Run it. Copy the XXX.mov to the avatars directory. When you run Worlds again, you should be able to use it in avatars as TNXXX, where N is a number 1-9 and XXX is your filename. Nobody else will be able to see this unless you send it to SirGemini, the admin.